Types of Vegetarians: A Wide Variety

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In general, people familiar with vegetarians as people who never or will not consume any meat that came from animals that exist on the ground like chickens, cows, goats or derived from marine animals such as fish and shrimp. Ordinary people only know that vegetarians are people who just want to eat plants. It was not that simple. Society is not many people know that it is actually a vegetarian consists of a variety of diverse and variant but the main characteristic that is almost the same. There are vegetarians who still consume certain types of meat or animal as a result of milk, even some vegetarians who do not eat the plants of a particular type.

Vegetarian is a term first used formally in the UK in 1847 by several people, among others, Joseph Brotherton. Vegetarian is derived from the Latin meaning Vegetus whole, healthy, fresh, alive. People vegetarian consists of several types:

1. Vegan

Vegan is a pure vegetarian group. Absolutely not want to consume food of animal origin either meat, eggs and milk. Vegans do not even want to use products derived from animals or use animal as experimental / tester products such as cosmetics and accessories made ​​of leather. It is considered cruel act for torturing animals.

2. Lacto Vegetarian

Lacto vegetarians who do not eat meat of any animal species but still want to consume the results from animals such as milk and dairy products such as yogurt and butter.

3. Ovo Vegetarian

Just like Lacto but the difference exceptions may be consumed is the result of an animal in the form of eggs.

4. Lacto - Ovo Vegetarian

This is a combination of vegetarian Lacto Ovo are exceptions and are still willing to consume eggs and milk.

5. Pesco Vegetarian

Vegetarians who do not eat meat, eggs and milk meat except fish.

6. Pollo Vegetarian (Flexitarian)

Vegetarians are at certain moments do not refuse to eat meat, fish and eggs.

7. Fluctarian Vegetarian

Vegetarians are not only anti to meat, milk and eggs, but also do not want to eat radishes with reason these types of plants directly off when harvested / picked so it is considered cruelty when harvest ..

8. Semi Vegetarian

Vegetarians who do not eat red meat, but still want to eat poultry.

9. Fruitarians 

Vegetarian who only want to consume fruits, beans, and other crops that are harvested without damaging or detrimental to the plant itself as becoming molt or die.

10. Raw foodist

This type of eating only vegetarian food is not cooked with high temperature or about 46 degree Celsius or even do not need to be cooked. They believe that processed foods with high temperature will destroy food enzymes that are beneficial to the body. For them, the food was cooked to a certain high temperature can be harmful to the human body. Arturi Virtanen is a Finnish biochemist who introduced the term Raw foodist. He found that the uncooked food will release enzymes when chewed by mouth. The enzymes will help the enzyme present in the body in digesting food.

Once out diverse types of vegetarian then no need to wonder anymore if one was eating with them, there are still eating eggs, meat or drinking milk and eating different preparations produced from animals such as yogurt, cheese and so on. It is legitimate in accordance with their respective choice to be vegetarian like. Therefore, it is often restaurant / dining vegetarian not only serves pure vegetarian menus are usually consumed Vegan, they also actually serving dishes prepared from fish, shrimp, eggs and even chicken. So, for the Non-Vegetarian though, do not hesitate when it went into a restaurant / place to eat vegetarian, we can still enjoy the food like in general, but of course there are not they provide such as beef or mutton.

From various sources.


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