Quick Sweat // CARDIO BEAT (At Home Cardio Workout)

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I like getting in my heart, without feeling the need to, as I'm pulling my feet on a run. I love it when I can exercise pair with the music, so I'm not thinking about repetitions or distance ... I'm just having fun! And then the sweat and burn fat just happens! So today I am introducing to you "CARDIO BEAT"! Cardio moves done that you can do at home in time to music. please This is something completely new, so let me know in the comments how you really feel about them, and if you want more ♥ Get read all my training calendar and my blog:. http://www.blogilates.com ♥ MY ACTIVE: http: //www.popflexactive.com♥ Get the Blogilates app for free from the App Store or Google Play Store ♥ Instagram: @ Blogilates ♥ Snapchat: @ Blogilates ♥ FACEBOOK: http: //www.facebook. com / Blogilates ♥ TWITTER http://www.twitter.com/blogilates******Cassey Ho is an award winning fitness trainer, entrepreneur and online personality. She is the creator of Blogilates, the # 1 female fitness channel on Youtube. In a revolutionary partnership, Cassey unique format POP Pilates ©, which launched on Youtube in 2009 to life, has become a live class, which can be taken at every 24 Hr Fitness gym in the US. She is the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and the designer's own line active, POPFLEX *** DISCLAIMER:. Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. is strongly recommended that you work with your doctor before starting an exercise program beginnen.Sie should participate in the exercise in good physical condition and able sein.Sie should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is a risk of injury is. When you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you so at your own risk, participate voluntarily in these activities, all risks of injury itself and arrange Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. release from any and unload and all claims or lawsuits, known or unknown, from Blogilates' and oGorgeous Inc. negligence.

Originally posted by UCIJwWYOfsCfz6PjxbONYXSg at 1469405239

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