How to Say "Fuck You" to A Stray Cat? Seriously.

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Hello, I have serious problem lately. Not about my health, but about stray cat that don't want to get away. In my garden, I placed 4 cat adults and 5 kittens. But, starting about two months ago, when it was a raining day, another cat come into my warehouse near garden. At first, she was so tiny and pretty cute, but still, my heart says that I shouldn't keep it. Okay, silently I give our food leftovers to her.

But, you always know that cats never been educated to be so obedient. She began to poop everywhere, planting "bombs" in my garden. In my warehouse. Even puked on veranda. The hell.

I don't know. From that incident I didn't give any foods (I never give her drink) to her anymore. But, every day and night she sees me, she always meowed with a strong voice, just like debt collector wants the money back. Until now.

She also tries to steal my cats' food by trying to flip my cats' food bowl and it drawn out the food on the ground. And she eats it. But because of that incident, my cat are starving. Again, fuck off for her.

I've tried hushing her away.
Also tried attempting to kick her.
Also... flush *ngg actually I don't have another vocab for this so I use flush* her with some water.

She got away. For 5 minutes. :|
After that she comes back to the garden and sleep freely in my veranda. Oh noooo.

Okay. Enough with the madness. I'll find another way to say fuck you to her, and get rid of her.
If I succeed, will post it here. Maybe XD

Here is a bonus photo of one of my kittens:
(sorry no photo of the stray cat, I'm too lazy to capture her because she is not so cute. she is EVIL.)



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