Job Description of Interior Decorator Explained

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Interior Designing is Fun!

Becoming an interior designer may sound like a fun way to make a living. However, there is a lot more to it that than just throwing some paint on the wall and filling the room with random furniture. There is a lot more work behind the scenes for an interior decorator.

In the Job description an interior decorator must be able to formulate a plan for the area they are working in. This means that the decorator must be diverse in their abilities to design. From a one bedroom flat to a large-scale mansion, even business offices the interior designer must be able to formulate a plan to fit the needs of the client and the building.

Once an interior decorator has selected a design they must also be able to purchase the furnishings and all accessories that go along with it. It is one thing to be able to do the planning but from there the designer must be able to put that plan into action by purchasing the items that make the design come alive.

In a job such as this communication is of the utmost importance. Talking to the client regarding matters such as planning, budget and client preferences. They should also be able to give their expert opinion on matters while listening to what the client has to say. In the end it is not the decorator's agenda that must live on in the home but the homeowner's.

Part of the job description for an interior decorator is to be able to relate what they are thinking to their client. In order to do this the interior decorator must be able to create designs from paste-ups and drawings to show what it is that they are thinking to the client. This way the decorator and the client can be on the same page for the design.

General business knowledge is a must. The interior decorator is running a business therefore they need to be able to operate functions in such a manner. The client will need an estimate of the projects, which will mean that the client must have knowledge of the cost of material and other needs for the plan to come into shape. As well the Interior decorator must be able to allocate work through subcontracting to companies that handle the installation of items such as flooring, furniture, fixtures etc.

The job description of an interior decorator is intricate. The decorator must wear many hats so to speak. If the above job description does not scare an applicant then this may be the chosen career path for them.


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