7 Deadly Texting Mistakes

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Texting women may be a smart way of attracting them to you, especially if you use magnetic messaging whenever you are trying to attract them. The important thing to text dating is to implement magnetic messaging when you text a woman in the hopes of seducing them. The greater you want to date attractive ladies, the more you might want to read with reference to how to use a magnetic message to seduce them and you don't want to make the universal mistakes that nearly all men make when texting women. This guidebook will provide you with how to make certain you will not make these errors.

This (maybe) applies to girl texting a guy too. And not just texting nowadays, but chatting via instant messaging services like Snapchat or Tinder. Or social media.

Easy Dating by Avoiding These Texting Women Blunders

1. Confusing responses for attraction

Before you’ve had your first date with a girl, she won’t feel much of a connection to you. As unfortunate as it may be, you’re probably not the only guy texting her. See, a common mistake most guys make when they’re texting a girl is that they mistake responses for attraction. Often where a guy is getting a response from a girl, he believes that he’s getting closer to getting her on a date or to seducing her.

The exact opposite is true!

The more texts you send before meeting up with girl means the less of a chance you have of actually meeting up with her! That’s right: even if a girl is RESPONDING to your texts, you’re not getting yourself ANY closer to actually getting her out on a date. Instead, say more with less. Whenever you’re considering what to text a girl, see if you say it simpler, with less texting back and forth. Most guys send pointless texts to women like “How’s your day?” or “Enjoying the warm weather?”. These texts DO NOT bring you ANY closer to a woman! They just beg for a response (which doesn’t mean anything).

To make sure you NEVER again waste texts on pointless chatter, ask yourself this golden question. How is this text bringing this girl and I closer to a date? If your answer is simply “to get her to know her better,” erase the text. It’s not going to help you.

2. Not conveying “fun”

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Here is the simple truth. When a woman gives you her number she is NOT signing a social contract to go out with you… And until it seems FUN for her… she’s probably not going to bother meeting up with you. So when you send boring texts that don’t display any personality or don’t elicit any emotions in her… in her mind you’re not worth the trouble of meeting up with. Here are some signs you’re NOT being fun:

  • Am I being stiff and formal “Hi, it was nice meeting you Friday”… too stiff. Too formal.

  • Am I putting pressure on her to keep the convo going?

  • Am I badering her with question?

Remember, every text you send should make you seem like the FUN OPTION. You should appear to be the escape from her boring day. How do you do this? Start choosing words that convey FUN. Be slightly exaggerated in your texts. Everything you’re doing or about to do should be “EPIC”.

3. Not having a texting style


If you’re texting an attractive women chances are you are NOT the only guy she is getting a text from today. Hate to break it to you. But between other guys pursuing her, ex-boyfriends, co-workers, classmates, and so on… she’s got a lot of guys vying for her attention. So if you want to stand out – your texts need to display your unique style and personality. She should be able to know it’s a text from you just by reading it (even if the name was blocked). What words, phrases, punctuation, or emoticons are uniquely yours?

Example: I have a friend who begins every text the same way like yo yo yo NY city is calling our name tonight… let’s go go go. I would not need to look at that text to know it was my friend who sent. He always texts in that same high energy, excited style.

4. Having long text conversations

Text conversations are NOT the same as actual conversations. Texting should be the “super cool” cliff notes of a normal conversations. Meaning leave out the formalities. SKIP THE SMALL TALK. The longer the conversation the more chances to mess things up or run into awkward confusion. Every time you pick up the phone… jump right into the good stuff. Start with a fun anecdote. Start with a teasing nickname. Find a way to quickly spark an emotion and get her paying full attention at you. You always have to be moving the conversation forward. Think of it like there is a staircase, and at the top of that staircase is the girl sitting naked waiting for you :D Every text you send should be climbing you one step higher on that staircase.

5. Going for the meet-up without sparking emotion


Here is another hard, cold fact. If you ask a woman to hang out, without first sparking and emotion… she will almost always turn you down. Why? Because all of the positive emotions she felt when she was with you has dwindled. And the thought of getting dressed up, and going to meet a guy she barely knows (and the potential you’ll turn out to be a creep or just awkward) is not worth the effort. Logically she can easily talk herself out of it. Which is why you MUST engage her on an emotional level first.

It is MUCH easier to get a “yes” out of a woman once you’ve sparked a positive emotion. The two best ways to do this are with FLIRTING or HUMOR. Here’s an important concept: She is NOT going to remember all your good qualities. So it’s your JOB to remind her.

6. Becoming too “predictable”

Let’s say that you’ve now succeeded in getting up a date with a girl. You may think you’re home free when it comes to texting, but there’s still some things you need to keep in mind to ensure you CONTINUE to see your girl(s).

First, you never want to fall into predictable patterns. Lots of guys use the same jokes, same questions, and same texts over and over. While it may be easier to fall into “complacency” with a woman you’re dating, don’t do it! Instead, break things up with some spicy every once in a while. Tell her you have a surprise to show her later. Tell her something reminded you of her, but don’t tell her what it is right away.

Ask her to send you a funny picture of something (or send her a funny picture of something). Keep her guessing what your next text will be and you’ll keep her interested in you. Moreover, keeping the spark of a relationship alive is very important when it comes to creating a great sex life. As long as you don’t become ultra-predictable, you should have your girl texting YOU asking YOU when you’re available to hang out.

7. Thinking she’s different


I have stressed over and over again “Never tell a girl how you feel about her over text”… Yet, day after day I get emails from students telling me a story about how they confessed their feelings to a girl over text… And every time- they scare the girl away. In your mind, you’re going to try to convince yourself that “She is different.” Or that “It won’t work on her”. But the minute you tell yourself she’s different you are on the road to losing her…

Guys continually do things like:

  • Texting her too much

  • Paying her gushing compliments over text

  • Not asking her to hang out because you’re scared…

And time and time again they’ll face the same consequences as all the other guys have…



So now that you know the big mistakes you need to avoid its time formulate a solid game plan. Good luck from Craig Lawrence!

1 comment:

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