How to Arrive in Style - For Men

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A man's guide for packing smart, dressing well and travelling in comfort. You're going on vacation. Great, lucky you, fun in the sun and all that. You'll throw a bunch of stuff in a bag the night before (or for some of you, the morning of), grab something from your closet, board a plane and that will be that. Sorry, that will not be that.

Without thought and a little bit of planning, all that energy you spend manufacturing your particular brand of style will go out the window. Instead of arriving as a debonair explorer you'll get off the plane as a dorky tourist.

Palm Springs, Ibiza, Maui? Wherever you go, you want to turn heads as you saunter off the runway, so what should you wear on the plane? Flying used to mean dressing up and lounging beside a sky bar. Sadly, those days are over, but you don't need to dress down to fly.

Business casual for the plane seems like overkill but it has value: it allows you to wear some of the larger items you might otherwise have to pack, it keeps you warm on over-air-conditioned planes and it ups your chances of being re-assigned to first class.

Chinos or a decent pair of dress shorts along with a cotton, collared, non-iron shirt will keep you comfortable during the flight. Finish with a light blazer and a V-neck sweater. You might think the latter is too much for the beach, but it will work for evenings.

Shoes are important. They need to be functional because you may be walking -or running- between planes in the airport. You need ones that are easily kicked off under the seat while flying to give your toes a bit of freedom. Consider boat shoes or slip-on loafers with some bright socks to keep your fellow travellers -and perhaps Security- amused.

This gives you a decent evening outfit for the trip, as well as loads of extra room in your suitcase. Enough room to consider using a carry-on instead. Just pack a couple of mix-and-match outfits. It can be done, really. Pack all the swimwear you need, undies, PJ's, a pair of decent jeans for evenings, a selection of polo shirts, a hat for the sun plus your toiletries - and those can go in small plastic containers picked up at the pharmacy. Voila, tons of room for duty free on the way home.

In-Flight Skin Saver

024 Mens

Flying can play havoc on your body so here are some tips to keep you looking refreshed when you walk off the plane.

  1. Prep your face: Bring a moisturizer to use on the flight, preferably one designed for dry skin to counter the dry air of the plane. And lip balm is a must. The last thing you want getting off the plane is lizard lips.

  2. Hydrate: Drink water, lots of it - before you leave, in the iarport and on the plane. You'll be visiting the loo often but consider it an opportunity to stretch your legs. Drinks like coffee and tea will dehydrate, as will those cute little bottles of booze.

  3. Power nap: Losing sleep won't just make you look tired, it will impact your immune system. Grab a power nap while flying - 30 minutes will do. If you find flying stresses you out, bring decent noise-cancelling headphones - they'll also cancel any boring seat mates.

  4. Eating: You have an internal clock, so if you are going on a long-haul flight, try tricking it and consume food at times that match your destination's local time. It isn't always easy; airlines regulate food breaks fairly strictly, but being friendly with the flight attendant always helps.

  5. Perk up: Flying isn't great on hair what with the dry air and the head-rest microbes. Despite not having a shower, you can still clean your locks with a dry shampoo, found at any pharmacy (make sure you use airplane-friendly brands that won't explode!). Spray in and comb out. At the same time, pick up some facial wipes; they'll get rid of shine and perk up your complexion.

With a little pre-planning, your vacation will be all about the heads you turn rather that the jet lag you suffer through.


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