These Are Where Gamers Share Their Thoughts, Have you Been There?

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Gamers are often symbolized with anti-social person, extreme way, they are afraid of people. It seems not too, the evidence they still have friends in the real world or in cyberspace (but not all of them tho :p). In addition, there was also a social network that embodies the gamers. Of course this is not just Steamcommunity or Facebook groups , but really used social media for gamers to show off to each other how far they have completed the game or just share a trick. Although social media service is still new, but if you are a gamer you should try it. Why? You will, of course find fellow gamers as well as features that prove you're a gamer. Or maybe, your true love? Amen XD


Is the website for the tracking of all the games you have played. When this article was published Grouvee can only be accessed through the website, either through a mobile device or through your computer. If you frequently access on Goodreads , this website will be easily mastered because of its similar user interface and user experience. Some things like features, the display will look like when you use Goodreads. But the main difference is that you will get when Goodreads used for books, while Grouvee used for gaming. Obvious.
Similarly cd games on your shelf, every game is displayed on this website has a brief description of the game, the information details (such as release date, platform, publisher), the status of the game on your account. In addition this website you will find 4 kinds of status that you can give to every game, among others:
  • Playing, you're playing this game.
  • Played, you have completed this game, Both primary mission or additional missions.
  • Wishlist, you do not have this game and hope soon to have it.
  • Backlog, you already have it but have not had time to play.
Comments also can you do on every game you play, then you can share it via twitter or make it private if the comment was a cheat or rules of the game so that other people will not be able to see the comments you have given.
BisaKomputer - Grouvee
Have as much as what you finish the game? to see all the games you have played, you can access the My Games menu. Where are displayed in tabular form all the games that have you sign or you give statusi. You can also measure the time you finish a game, by accessing the Add Dates to Dates played. Authors commonly use search on the catalog to search popular games. some features like search filters, sorting makes it easier to find games like Minecraft or Assassin's Creed .


You can access the journal online and social network for gamers in . Rate, play records and do a review you can do on this website, both games that have or are playing or just in your wishlist. Although the social base of the media, a lot of different things that you will only find when using services on this website. Let's say the level of gamers, casual gamers consist of, the hardcore gamer to gamer developers. This level does not affect any of your profile or account, but it certainly will be displayed on your profile, and everyone else will know it. Social media user is also able to connect activity on Steam, Xbox Live, Playstation, and, automatically it will be easier for you to synchronize your activities, Mainly if you are hardcore gamers or caster of the game.
A feature list also helps facilitate you in the preparation of the list of games, as well as searching for play. To create a list you can access the menubar menu list on this website. The next step is to click on "Create a New List", so automatic when you do, you will be redirected to the new page. On Page Create A New List, you simply just give the name and description, while for the game to look at the column you stay it will automatically search your desire Games will be shown.
BisaKomputer - Dpaad
According to the author, existence List on the website is very easy. For example, to search what is a lot of games played, the more difficult the game or solution will be easily found by using this feature.
Both together have differences and similarities, as well as the advantages of each feature of each section. According to the author, dpadd better on the feature list, while for tastier Grouvee display is used because the look is more akin to Goodreads. So now you are living alone who determine, adjust as needed. Do you have another reference to organize your own games? Share it with us via the comments field.


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