10 Benefits for being a Vegetarian

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Some people choose to become vegetarian or just eating vegetables due to various reasons. For those of us who are not Vegetarian, may be surprised by what the brothers are vegan term for vegetarians. Not about what beliefs / religion, but sometimes this is done for the sake of your health and want to have a healthy lifestyle.

Rather than questioning the reasons for a person to be vegan, we'd better look at what are the benefits of being a vegetarian person.

1. Can be used as a diet for some people with the disease who must avoid foods containing high fat or bad cholesterol.

2. Reduce excess weight and make your body ideal. Eating vegetables and fruits can make full longer so that we would eat more bit. By having an ideal body weight, we will avoid the risk of some diseases such as heart attack or high blood pressure.

3. Intake of nutrients and fiber that is taken into the body in sufficient amounts equal to the number of calories produced meat products. In addition to nutrition, vegetarian food is also healthy digestive processes in the body because of the fiber from vegetables and fruits.

4. Helps the body's metabolic process and make the work of the intestines and the stomach is not too heavy to do the processing.

5. According to the US study, vegetarians will be healthier, live longer and younger. Being a vegetarian makes us healthy both physically and spiritually as well as extend the life of our life because animal foods such as meat generally can narrow the blood vessels so that the nutrients and oxygen is interrupted which will consequently decrease the immune system.

6. Women who would not be tortured because menopause soybean meal, apples, cherries, dates, olives, etc. are rich in natural phytoestrogens.

7. By being a vegetarian, we would have a healthy stomach. By eating plenty of vegetables and fruits means more fiber consumed, so it will keep the colon remains clean. In addition, the nutrients from the vegetables and fruits are very good for the stomach, as a source of amino acids which are very good for your metabolism ..

8. Can avoid bad fats. Vegetables and fruits are a food that has a fat content is very good and does not harm the body. Therefore, being a vegetarian can make blood pressure remains within safe limits and the heart was always in good health.

9. Avoid toxins derived from animal fats. Just like a human, sometimes animal meat is consumed to produce steroids adrenalin and stress hormones. This hormone will be released in the bloodstream. When consumed by humans, this would be a formidable toxins that could potentially harm the body. Not only that, sometimes cut animal injected with growth hormones in order to have more meat. These hormones also trigger the formation of a variety of diseases when consumed by humans, as reported by the Boldsky.

10. Being a vegetarian can reduce the risk of cancer. Vegetarian diet consume lots of antioxidants, minerals, phytochemicals, vitamins and many other nutrients. Some of these nutrients can improve the immune system that can fight various types of cancer. Plant foods do help cure chronic diseases and dangerous as cancer and heart disease. In addition, we can avoid digestive diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, etc.
For me personally, the choice of becoming Vegan is a liberating life.


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