Get Away from Voice Hoarseness

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The voice becomes hoarse vocal cords to swell or become inflamed and is unable to vibrate normally. In addition to making it difficult to speak, the condition is usually also accompanied by slight pain and itching in the throat. When hoarse, your voice can change the tone-sound higher or lower.

Conditions of hoarseness can be acute or chronic. In the acute condition is usually not serious, but chronic hoarseness or prolonged exposure may indicate a serious health condition.

How to cure a hoarse voice? Follow the tips below to treat hoarseness and prevent it from getting worse.

Avoid triggers an upper respiratory infection. Frequently wash your hands and avoid contact with people who are experiencing upper respiratory infection, such as flu.
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and cigarettes make your throat dry and cause irritation of the vocal cords. Also, avoid smoke if you are passive smokers.
Give a break to your voice. As much as possible do not talk too much, unless absolutely necessary. Hold is also a desire to sing. If you have to speak in public, use loudspeakers.
Many drink warm liquids and no caffeine. The warm liquid helps retain moisture throat. Additionally, you can suck lozenges, gargle with salt water, or chewing gum in order to maintain humidity.
Do not whisper. When should talk, so try not to whisper because it causes more strain on the vocal cords than normal speech.

Inhale steam. Put your head over the bowl of hot water (not boiling water) and cover head with a towel so that steam does not come out. You can also breathe hot steam when warm bath.
Avoid decongestant medicine-because it can create and exacerbate dry throat hoarseness.
If your voice is not recovered for more than two weeks, seek medical treatment. In addition, see a doctor immediately if symptoms of hoarseness accompanied by a screeching sound when the inhale breath, excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, and fever over 39 ° C. Since this could be symptoms of epiglottitis disease that requires medical treatment.


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