Some Mistakes of Men in Sex

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Making love or having sex with a partner is certainly aiming to get pleasure. But it turns out without us knowing it, we've made ​​a mistake during sex. However errors made must be different in each person. Mistakes made must have been because we were not aware or did we as men are less sensitive to the pairing we become lost passion.

If we think that just by focusing on sex positions is the key to getting the perfect sex then it is a big mistake. Movement and actions we do during sexual intercourse can be a major setback for our spouses when we make mistakes we do not realize. In addition to having a complicated sex techniques, we also need to ensure that we do not make mistakes as long as we're making love with our spouse. Following exposure to some of the most common mistakes made ​​when making love.

We Love Having Orgasm Then Done 

Who says that having sex to get the quality that we have "come out"? When kitaa "out" we definitely feel relieved and satisfied because it has managed to orgasm. But we need to remember that our partners need to reach a climax, so we must also remember that our partners also want the same thing. Do not be selfish! Usually if we have an orgasm, for sure we used to do is go straight to bed because it was already reaching a climax. But it was a big mistake. Try to resist drowsiness us briefly and give a warm hug to our spouse. For women it is a form that we have sex with a partner because affection is not totally desirable.

Not Just Sex 

Most men assume that sex is purely a sexual act in which a pair of human beings enjoy the pleasure of each other with the aim to meet their basic needs. As for the women, sex is an integral part of the lives of those who have been stuck on themselves physically and mentally with their partner. For women sex is not just a pleasure but rather a romantic action that binds them to their partner and bring themselves to intimacy. So, we should not have thought that having sex only because the fun activities for couples making love we have more meaning.

Couples We Never Patronize 

Trying to guide our partners to hurt his ego and certainly can ruin our mood and partner sex. We must not make mistakes on this one, especially if we consider our partner too imposing our will. Simply follow the instructions that we give to our spouse. But that does not mean we should not lead our partner to get pleasure, just that we have to gently guide our spouse. Do not look overbearing. Thus we and our spouses alike can enjoy the fun.

Rejecting Trying New Things 

Too monotony in sex can be a turn off point in our sex life with our partner. We need to try something new and innovative at short intervals to keep the mood and keep our sex life alive. It can also increase the intimacy between us and our spouse. So for the sex life fresh and active, we have to try something different and do not become too monotonous. Try to invite our partner to try something new like a new position, where sex is not unusual or even conduct experiments during sex. Trust me, it works!

Those are some common mistakes that are usually done by men while having sex with a partner. These errors are usually not aware of however believe that if we make a mistake it can ruin the atmosphere we have sex with our spouses. Hopefully the small print sharing this knowledge is beneficial to us and our spouses.

Warm greetings full of love.



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