Weight Lifting Workouts: Tips for Beginners

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Weight lifting workouts is effective for those who want to achieve healthy yet strong body. Starting every day with working out can be a burden for some people. They may do it as routines, but since you do the same things every day, you get bored. If you are new in this exercise, and  want to start this. Check some things we have today to complete your journey in weight lifting.


To start your weight lifting, barbell is the king, while dumbbell is the queen. Before doing weight lifting with other equipment, choose these two things first. Lifting the barbell will help you to achieve stronger body. Once you do the heaviest exercise, you can move on to bodyweight or dumbbell training. For the very first step, do barbell exercise which consists of squat, bench press, deadlift, and also shoulder press. Chin up and row barbell exercise are not the main one, but you also can do it. These two exercises help to balance your shoulder press and bench barbell exercise.

You need to have plan or schedule to help you achieve the goal. Never go to the gym without plan. If you just wander without knowing the things you have do, then it will not create any results. You may know that you have to take your barbells, but when you do not know what to do with that, you will not see any progress in your body. Full body routines that is done three time a week is great for beginners. Yet, above all, choose the one that really suits with your goals.

Rules and Tips to Do

There are some rules to follow when exercising. You have to always bring towel. Wipe off the benches, machines, and also equipment you use. Re-rack all the equipment after using it. Do not take a rest for long period of time in a machine you use. Somebody else may want to use it. Remember, that in public gym, the equipment is shared. Keep away your cellphone while in gym room. You do not want to listen to somebody’s conversation while exercising, do you?

While doing weight lifting workouts always bring water. Stay hydrated. Lack of water will bring you to a sick, weak, and also less effective working out. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Protein and complex carbohydrate are the best to complete your process. 60 minutes before working out and 60 minutes after weight training will help you to encourage healing and refuel your body. Eat small portion is fine. To help you tracking your progress, you can install application or buying some tools to help you track what you do. Body lifting tracker can motivate you and help to achieve the goals. If you want to do a weight loss exercise, do cardio work first. Do this after the weight exercise. If you are new to this kind of exercise, always start with lower weight. It helps to count and know your real ability. Ask professional to assist you doing weight lifting workouts.


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