Best Workout Schedule for Fat Loss in 1-Weeks

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Are you worried about your overweight body? Have you decided losing body fat? Start with marking your calendar from now on to 1-weeks ahead for your best workout schedule. Follow the schedule below.

  1. Step-It-Up Plyometric Workout (Day 1)

Prepare a box and start this cardio exercises which include:

-     Prisoner Squad-Hop (set 3, reps 20)

-     Decline push-ups (set 3, reps 10 to 15)

-     Box jumps (set 3, reps 5)

-     Plank with knee and elbow (set 3, reps 10)

-     Toe tap (set 3, reps 20)

Perform all the exercises for 3 circuits and each exercise back-to-back with no rest. You can only rest about 60 seconds between every circuit.

  1. Home Tabata Workout (Day 2)

Home Tabata is 4-minutes fat burning workout which simple yet effective to burn fat. The workout includes:

-     Mountain climbers (20 sec plus 10 sec rest)

-     Squat jumps (20 sec plus 10 sec rest)

-     Burpees (20 sec plus 10 sec rest)

-     Ski moguls (20 sec plus 10 sec rest)

Choose the best exercise for you then you can mix and match it.

  1. 20-Minute Weight-Loss Workout (Day 3)

Use free weights to start this 20-minutes workout which including:

-     Plié punch (set 4, reps 10)

-     Thrust and row (set 4, reps 10)

-     Spiderman pushup (set 4, reps 10)

-     Skull crush crunch (set 4, reps 15)

-     Hovering lunge and side tap (set 4, reps 15 per side)

Perform 1 set of each exercise without resting. After finishing 1 circuit, then complete it with 3 times circuits (total 4 circuits).

  1. No-Equipment Cardio Workout (Day 4)

Perform these cardio workouts including:

-     Plank squat hops (reps 20)

-     Caricoa corner drill (reps 10)

-     Figure 8-lunges (reps 20)

-     Jack in and out (reps 20)

-     Traveling climber (reps 10)

-     Jumping pushups (reps 10)

Do 1 set of each exercise (up to 4-days a week) with no rest between. Finish entire circuit, rest 45 to 60 seconds, then repeat all the moves 2 more times.

  1. 6 Active Stretches (Day 5)

This dynamic stretches will help you to increase flexibility and burning fat. The moves include:

-     Plié reach (reps 8)

-     Low lunge

-     Active pigeon

-     Down dogs extension (reps 1)

-     Wrap around (reps 8)

-     Take a bow (reps 8)

  1. HIIT Bodyweight Workout (Day 6)

High-Intensity Interval-Training (HIIT) is including Moderate Intensity Minute (MIM) and High Intensity Push (HIP):

-     MIM: 1, 2, 3 Squat and Rear Lunge

-     MIM: Squat, Plank, Pushup

-     HIP: Squat Jumps In n’ Out

-     MIM: Side-to-Side Lunge Chops

-     MIM: Deadlift Balance

-     HIP: Side-to-Side Shuffle Jump

-     MIM: Tabletop Dip

-     MIM: V Sit-Ups

-     HIP: Plank Pike Jumps

-     Finishing Hip Stretch

With the interval ratio 2:1, work with 2 minutes MIM then 1 minute HIP. Perform the exercise back to back, then takes minimal rest between exercises. You can repeat entire circuit for 2 to 3 times.

  1. Rest Day (Day 7)

Don’t forget, your body has a limit. Choose one day between a week for your rest day.

Including flexibility, strength, and high intensity interval training will help you to slim down without losing money and time. So, follow the best workout schedule for 1-week above for effective weight loss.


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