Best Workout Programs for Women According to Body Type

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Have you ever met with woman who eats much without gaining any fat? Or woman who eat fewer but gain so much fat? Yup, body types are something that can be a useful tool or reversely a big hindrance when shaping your body line. For that reason, workout programs for women will be different according to your body type. Check the details here.


Women with ectomorph body type have thin build. Other specific characteristics are narrow hips and clavicles, small joint like in wrist and ankle, long limbs, and also stringy muscle bellies. This kind of body type is usually having a hard time to gain some weight, fat, muscle, and following a high amount of training stress. But they have an advantage, since this kind of body has high metabolism, they only gain minimal fat while build up muscle.

Workout programs for ectomorph are going to be hardest than other types since they find hard to gain muscle while can’t follow a hard intensity of training. The key point before starting workout is patient and hard will. After that, follow these tips:

-     Start workout slowly to avoid overtraining.

-     Choose simple workout program under one hour long.

-     Change the type of exercise regularly, don’t keep it same for a long time.

-     Keep your body form good and keep your training consistency.


Endomorph body is characterized with thick rib cage, shorter limbs, wider joints, and their hips are wider than clavicles. Since they have larger and rounded body, they have more muscles and their fat levels are higher. So, once they gain some weight or fat, they will have more trouble for losing it because of slow metabolism. The advantage is that they can gain muscle faster while workout.

Workout programs for women with endomorph body type are easier especially for weight training purpose. Since they can gain muscle easily, they can handle weight lifting stress but in low endurance. You can:

-     Start with high intensity of weight lifting, but don’t go overboard.

-     When you want to shape a good body line, choose training to reduce fat while build up muscle. For example, do high intensity weight training such as cardiovascular activity in short time about 15-20 minutes a day.


Mesomorph is the desired body type. Their body is athletic and have low amount of body fat. Their muscular frame is characterized by wide clavicles, thinner joints, narrow waist, also long and round muscle bellies. They have high metabolism so they will find an easier time to gain muscle and losing fat.

Mesomorph has stronger physic and metabolism, so they can handle high intensity of training and have high endurance. They can choose any workout program without worry such as weight lifting or sports. So, you can:

-     Start off with high intensity training.

-     Choose weight lifting techniques to give more stress to muscle, so it’ll become stronger.

-     Change your workout styles, exercises, speed, and speed of reps.

Unlike men, who have the hormone to build large muscle, workout programs for women are more aimed to build up muscle for shaping their body line. So, if you have one of the body types above, make sure you choose the right workout program.

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