Free Facebook Email Scrape is Now on GitHub!

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Good news for you, now my free facebook email scraping service's results are up on github! So now you can download and use it easier. For those who don't know what kind of service it was, free facebook email scrape (let's shorten it to FFES because it's tiring to write all those words repeatedly :p) gives you thousands lists of facebook emails based on your request. Let's do an example.

Smith wants to promote his campaign about yoga t-shirt via facebook ads.
But he wants the ad to target the right people.
He wants to use facebook's automatic algorithm with some specific interest (yoga).
But, the result was too broad and almost all of the target had no interest in buying t-shirt (especially yoga t-shirt).
Smith was confused. He takes some yoga-related fan pages and facebook groups and want to blast a spam promotional message to the members.
But it's not ethical. People will consider it as a spam and never look to Smith's t-shirt.
Smith wants to promote via facebook ads but the target is limited only to some yoga-related fan pages and facebook groups he already collected.
Is that possible?

Yes, it is. The answer is using FFES you will get that free. I will do the scraping task, and then give it to your email, or upload it on GitHub. I will update on Github frequently, no longer giving lists on this blog.

How to use

  1. Visit the FFES / ScrapedFB official Github repository here.
  2. Choose the category, or you can just type your preferred pages (for example: Ed Sheeran >> Github | Post on IUYA)
  3. For the not-so-long email list, You can directly copy to clipboard, fork it (then save the file to your desktop, but you need a github account to do so), or view raw, then copy it manually.
  4. For the long list, view the raw file and copy it manually.
  5. Save it as .txt or .csv
  6. Import them in your facebook ad manager as custom audience.
  7. Wait for it.
  8. All done.
  9. or you can just resell the list!



This is when you clicked a folder/category

This is when you clicked the long list. 

Not-so-long email lists can help you save the data directly

That's it. If you have any request or questions, please drop your message freely via commenting below or mail me (the email address is already on FFES page). Use it wisely.

you don't need to go back, I will give you once more the link of the Github page.


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