Quamar M80 Review

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I always likened it like a coffee grinder in the world of audio speakers. So central role in the overall quality speakers hifi system or high-end, so it is always advisable to first buy these speakers before the amplifier. So it is with a grinder that same position with the speakers. Buy a grinder, with the best quality according to the available budget, choosing a new espresso machine, not the reverse. So, as good speakers that will reproduce sounds as if the singer is in front of you, a coffee grinder to produce a "grind size" consistent, an important parameter to generate maximum extraction in an espresso machine.
For matters grinder, big name Mazzer may be the first choice of the most widely recommended. Commonplace, because Mazzer has proven itself as a manufacturer whose products have durability and quality, as I have no doubt that like the Mazzer Kony with its grinding blade system that uses a conical, one of the best grinder I've ever used.
Of course the price Mazzer relatively high makes a lot of other manufacturers trying to deliver a product choice that is not less attractive and certainly the quality of competing. One of them is a company based in the small town of Treviso in northern Italy, which is also the tiramissu originated. in addition to the company's central Quamar Srl. Quamar name may still not widely known in Indonesia, besides the product is still not officially available in Indonesia, but is expected in soon time.
Specifications are most important in a burr or blade grinder andQuamar M80 system complete with a diameter of 63mm flat burr, moderate size that is not too much different from the brand grinder I've ever written as Macap MX using burr size 65mm, Compak K6 , Hey Cafe, and Anfim Caimano with a diameter of 64mm.
Quamar M80 is equipped with a propulsion motor that will rotate the blade as much as 1600 RPM and consuming 330 watts of power. 52cm high as coffee container volume 1.2 kilograms in America though they offer an option for a smaller bean hopper. Body- was made ​​of aluminum with a total weight of 10.5 kilograms.
Grind Adjustment: Using the step adjustment system, is easy to use with the gearshift on a predetermined position while pressing the black button. Small Tomobol is equipped with a spring or spring which unfortunately the quality is not too good, so it's time I replace it with a more sturdy material.
Doser. Means that the container has been milled coffee container with a capacity of 280 grams. Users can adjust the amount of coffee at the time of dosing remove by turning the knob as shown in the photo at the bottom. Inside there is a wire iron dozer to clean the doser of coffee is still attached on the outskirts of the container due to static electricity. Chute comes with a protective finger to anyone not insert fingers idly when the grinder is in operation.
Fork portafilter. Exactly located at the bottom of the doser as a place where the user can put the portafilter while doing dosing. The distance is quite close, but not blocking the view to see the amount of coffee that is released into theportafilter.
Power Switch. At the bottom right there are two power switches on and off for positions which unfortunately is not equipped with a timer or a timer.
Using Quamar M80. Grinder I had the opportunity to use this for a few weeks and as long as it is quite satisfied with the ability Quamar. System "step adjustment" which is equipped with a number making Quamar M80 is easy to use in arranging the fineness of coffee. As we know the grinder setting to look for an appropriate smoothness need a little patience especially on the milling tool "stepless", but fortunately Quamar using step system, suitable for me who occasionally want fast paced.
Another thing that makes me please Quamar is when dosing, mechanism able to sweep his star doser coffee to clean, almost without rest which makes the process much easier to clean.
For nearly a month when I was using the M80 Quamar although the frequency is not too high, and as long as there has been no significant complaints. If anything, I want her hopper- bean is constrained to be sitting pretty in my kitchen cabinet that is not too high. But the manufacturer has promised that the M80 is a product for a commercial espresso machine to be used for forced labor in the cafe.
Cover. Certainly there is no best grinder with various fittings that you want, but at least it meets the criteria Quamar coffee grinder very worthy of consideration. With a price range of 8-10 millions (hopefully I'm not mistaken), Quamar M80 will soon enliven the market of coffee grinders in Indonesia in time soon.
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Thank you very much Cikopi for the review and pictures...


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