If you want more, please look forward to
What men SHOULD NOT DO on a first date. It will help you someday. As stated on title, this post is about dating tips about what men should not say on a first date. Again, thanks Craig.
talk about your ex

Unless you want to remain single, bringing up memories about old flames will put on any heat between the two of you and chances are you won't be seeing her again.
show off

Flatten any boastful talk about how great you are at everything in life.
one word answers

check out other girls

Put the eagle eye on hold, dude. It's in a lad's nature to stare at a fit girl, but the result of getting caught is not worth the risk.
ask about her sex life

Interrogating a girl about how many guys she's slept with will end any potential relationship.
loud talking or laughter

You will definitely scare her.
get emotional

This isn't the time to tell your date about how you used to get bullied at school or any other occasion that gets you welled up. This isn't the X-Factor.
overdose slang

sexual advances

There is nothing wrong with a bit of flirting, although there is a line not to cross, and it's not the panty line.
talk about games/sports

Unless it's me (me refers to
me, not Craig :P ) you are dating with, maybe you'll lose control. Leave the commentary about sport to the guys on TV. Again, unless your date is an gamer or have concern about sport (if so, keep her! :P ), then this date will end before the final whistle.
That's it. You are welcome :mrgreen:
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