Mahlkonig EK43 Honest Review

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Mahlkonig EK43 has been nearly two months in my friend's (T. Wahid) house every day, never tired to look at. Shaped like a giant towering in the middle of other coffee accessories. With golden bronze color, retro design lunches thick iron and net weight reached 24 kg, a milling tool heaviest I've ever struggled to lift up the table.this monster has no problem so far. Quality of design and constructionI need not explain in detail about...

Nail your First Date with These Dress!

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If you are in some open relationship, there will be times you will be meeting him. But when that first date comes, the confusion comes in handy. You don't know what to wear on a first date! At the end, just like another confused girl, you panicked and began to pull out all the clothes from your closet. Huh.ADD have a very brilliant tips for you to successfully nail your first date with a perfect dress! Also tons of perfect dress ideas...

Love at... First Bite

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Move over, Tinder. We swipe right for these foodie sites.It’s important that the person you love loves what you love—corny or not, this is rather significant for a functional relationship. Remembering that dating should be the result of some mutual affections, let’s take a look at three websites that act as matchmakers for the most passionate of lovers out there: food lovers.GLUTEN-FREE SINGLESIf you’re gluten-free, it’s crucial that your partner is also gluten-free to avoid the inevitable argument that will ensue when someone...

Grunge Fashion Is (Still) Good

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IN THE EARLY ’90s, greed, for lack of a better word, was no longer deemed good as a new generation of youth rebelled against the excessive and materialistic lifestyle of the ’80s. The fictitious money titan Gordon Gekko depicted in Wall Street was out. A recession was in. Less was more. Green, the environmentally friendly kind, was good. Hair bands were out. A stripped down, raw new sound was taking the airwaves by storm. It was coined “grunge” by Sub Pop, a Seattle record label describing the angsty sound of two up-and-coming...

Wearing Sneakers for Dating?

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KICK IT! IT’S SAFE TO say everyone has at least one pair of sneakers in their closet—and that’s a conservative estimate. With legions of devotees ranging from athletes to fashionistas to obsessive fans, sneakers undoubtedly make up one of the most popular footwear categories and the growth in appeal and sales show no signs of letting up any time soon.Matt Powell, a sports industry analyst at NPD Group and author of Forbes’ Sneakernomics...


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If ADD had known when ADD was in college that food historian was a possible profession, ADD's career path might have been different. Alas, ADD constrained merely to be an eager audience for the findings of food historians such as Richard Wrangham, whose interesting and persuasive book, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, not only presents a persuasive case for the role of cooked food in human evolution, but also...

Christian Dating Sites Exposed

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Imagine a dating website where everyone was not only born again Christians, but they were mature in the faith and had interesting and fulfilling lives. Imagine being able to connect with them in a healthy and clean way. You want to join one of these sites, to find love, and begin a fulfilling relationship with the woman/man of your dream. But it doesn't exist! However, below ADD review a few places that get close.Christian MingleADD is listing Christian Mingle as the most innovative, high quality, and creative Christian...

Speed Dating Services in Your Town: Call Me Maybe?

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Put yourself out there with help from these speed-dating services (long) list! You may save it for later use, or share it to your network to leave a footprint ;) With these speed dating services, maybe you can find your ideal speed dating partner in your town/state now like San Diego, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Miami, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Houston, Atlanta, or in another state/country. Even (or especially) in Hong Kong and for you, professionals!214 Dating214 Dating hosts a diverse range of events for single professionals...

How to choose the right dating site to boost your chances of a successful relationship

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The dating scene is a lot different today than it was even just 10 years ago.More and more people are connecting online than ever before, and many of them are turning to “niche” style dating websites – farmers dating site locations, sports fan dating site locations, religious dating site locations, etc. – all in an effort to hook up with people that share as much income with them as possible.And while these dating sites have been a big...

Dating Tips for Men and Women

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This time ADD will give you 1 set of brochure containing: Table manner guide for dating Dating guide for men/guys Dating guide for women/girl The perfect dressYou may save the image and then... maybe print it on A0 paper? :lol:&nbs...

What men SHOULD NOT SAY on a first date

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If you want more, please look forward to What men SHOULD NOT DO on a first date. It will help you someday. As stated on title, this post is about dating tips about what men should not say on a first date. Again, thanks about your exUnless you want to remain single, bringing up memories about old flames will put on any heat between the two of you and chances are you won't be seeing her offFlatten any boastful...